Scandiqual can help you discover the connection between the customer’s expectations and the product you actually deliver. Is the quality and brand what you think you are, or are you communicating something else? Is there a connection between presentation and actual product? How is the visibility in social media, and on the web in general?

By using Scandiqual PIRQS reports, you get an overview of how presentation, information, routines, quality and service are experienced by the end user. Is there dissonance between the product you deliver and the product you communicate? The report will answer these questions and give you an overlook and a new tool to use in the marketing work of your business.

The small details are easy to overlook in daily operations, but can be alpha and omega for the guest. And even though the details may be in place, the overall product and graphic profile, or the production in general, may be lacking. We believe that you can deliver a better product if you are aware of your weaknesses. We find the weak points, or can help map the situation.

Our report is a helpful product, and the report should provide a basis for improvements, and point to various aspects of the operation. The report will not be available to anyone other than the company itself, and will not be shared with others. We are not looking to point out everything that is wrong or right, but will point out where there is room for improvement.

Suitable for many types of companies working in tourism

Hotel & Accommodation

Restaurants or other places to eat.

Activity organizers & other services

Resort facilities & local providers


The Scandiqual PIRQS report is specially developed for discovering the connection between expectiations and product delivered. In the report we adresse the main 5 points that are essential for the customers total experience.

The PIRQS consist of one expectation analysis, one visit at the premises and the report. The report consist of information on digital visibility, brand profile communication and tone of voice.  The aim of the report is to highlight the areas where there are dissonance between presentation and implementation, either in a negative or positive way, and give you a mapping of the communication status.

By using the report in your marketing work, you can adjust your communication to reach even more satisfied customers, and create loyal growth.



P – presentation
I – information
R – routines
Q – quality
S – service


The Scandiqual consultants can help you develop your product to reach the target group “Scandinavians”, which are people from Norway, Sweden and Denmark.

If you want to adjust your product to match “scandinavian exptectaions” our consultant are happy to see how we can help you. Updating you on the travel trends, and giving you tips on how to create a brand that stands out and are appealing to Scandinavians.

Adjusting small details or concepting a brand new resort? Scandiqual knows what Scandinavians wants and expects, and can give you valuable tips on how to reach the target group.


Our consultant have experience from hundreds of clients within different fields of tourism and knows how to attract and please the Scandinavian customer.

We are experts on information and communication, and are happy to help you discover how you can reach, attract and catch the target group.


Scandiqual: Scandinavian quality. Just the small details…


Scandiqual are based in Oslo, Norway and in Southern France. You can reach us by email or phone. We visit customers all over Europe frequently. Just get in touch to get started, or see how we can help you.

Norway: +47 412 30 377
France: +33 07 688 922 92

We are fluent in the Scandinavian languages, and English. We can provide translators if necessary. Do not hesitate, or let the language stop you. We are looking forward to hearing from you. 


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