The Scandiqual consultants can help you develop your product to reach the target group “Scandinavians”, which basically are people from Norway, Sweden and Denmark.
New hunting fields, or refining your target group? If you want to adjust your product to match “scandinavian exptectaions” our consultant are happy to see how we can help you. Updating you on the travel trends, and giving you tips on how to create a brand that stands out and are appealing to Scandinavians. We have the information you wish you had on which channels to use, # to use, or tips for customized packages based on the latest trends. The Scandiqual consultant can make a plan for your business and marketing operations for the coming period, or something similar that will be helpful to you to attract the target.
Adjusting small details or concepting a brand new resort? Scandiqual knows what Scandinavians wants and expects, and can give you valuable tips on how to reach the target group. If you are in a process of creating something new or redoing something old does not matter to us. We can give you helpful tips on how to adjust your product to match the scandinavian expectations to quality and experience.
Our consultant have experience from hundreds of clients within different fields of tourism and knows how to attract and please the Scandinavian customer.
We are experts on information and communication, and are happy to help you discover how you can reach, attract and catch the target group.
The Scandiqual consultants are also happy to help you with interior styling, and tips on how to master the art of Scandinavian minimalism. Bare hyggelig!
Scandinavian quality is also about scandinavian living. We spend so much time indoors because of cold weather. Our home is our hobby and our identity.

Scandinavians loves to travel, and are used to high standard and nice facilities. We travel to discover, and wants to experience what is real and authentic, local culture and local food. We have some preferences and habits that are a little bit different than the rest of Europe.
Be aware of the differences and make this an advantage. By facilitating these experiences, you can gain a market advantage and be a clear first choice when planning a holiday trip to Europe.
If you want to adjust your product to the target group of Scandinavians, our consultant are happy to see how we can help you. We can give you useful input and suggestions for what visitors from Scandinavia wants and expects, and help create adventurous memories that live up to expectations.

Hospitality and personal service
Green travel and sustainable choices
Local experiences
Storytelling with authenticity
Travel all year round– also in low season

Scandiqual: Scandinavian living in theory, practice and culture.
Despite the economy becoming tighter and the world more uncertain, we travel more than ever. This says something about how important experiences are to people, regardless of where they come from. A common feature for all these travelers is that they focus on sustainability, the environment and local experiences, which may seem like small and insignificant things in the grand scheme of things.
Expectations and feelings are important points when the holiday is booked, but also when the holiday is finished. Of course you want value for money, but also on a personal level you should be satisfied when everyday life hits again, with all its challenges.
Make sure you know what is important to your customers.
If you think Scandiqual and PIRQS is someting for you and your company, please let us know. We are happy to hear from you, and see how we can help to improve your product. The first meeting / background consultation will always be free and non-binding.
Don’t be afraid to get in touch.

Scandiqual are based in Oslo, Norway and in Southern France. You can reach us by email or phone. We visit customers all over Europe frequently. Just get in touch to get started, or see how we can help you.
Norway: +47 412 30 377
France: +33 07 688 922 92
We are fluent in the Scandinavian languages, and English. We can provide translators if necessary. Do not hesitate, or let the language stop you. We are looking forward to hearing from you.